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Blogging For Biofuels

E15 Sales Fall Further In July

  • Monday, 10 September 2018 10:43

The E15 volume in July in Minnesota was the lowest recorded so far in 2018 as the RVP ban on E15 further eroded sales.

Journalists from Asia, Europe and South America visited Highwater Ethanol in Lamberton on Aug 28.

Below are our comments that were submitted to the EPA on the agency's proposed renewable volume obligations (RVOs) under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for 2019. 

DDGS Diets For Beef Cattle

  • Friday, 10 August 2018 12:00

We’ve previously highlighted the benefits of incorporating DDGS in dairy, turkey, sheep, pork and chicken diets. Today, we take a look at DDGS diets for beef cattle.

E15 Sales Take A Beating From RVP Ban

  • Thursday, 09 August 2018 14:36

E15 sales in Minnesota plunged 46 percent in June as the EPA's annual antiquated reid vapor pressure (RVP) ban on E15 to non flex fuel vehicles during the summer months took effect.  

The EPA and Department of Transportation’s proposal to freeze Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards at 2020 levels could derail a promising future for mid-level blends of ethanol.

Pruitt 2.0?

  • Wednesday, 25 July 2018 12:59

EPA’s Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s comments in a Reuters report yesterday suggests he plans on following his predecessor’s policies on the RFS.

Iowa's congressional delegation and North Dakota's Sen. Heidi Heitkamp want EPA acting Administrator, Andrew Wheeler, to do more to protect the RFS.